Q: Does CheepCheepBoxes.com have a minimum order?
A: There is no minimum dollar amount on orders. There is a minimum order of one Bundle or one Case.
Q: Does CheepCheepBoxes.com have a return policy?
A: Yes. For our policy, Click Here.
Q: Is there a "handling" charge added to my order?
A: There is a $0.00 charge per order, regardless of order size.
Q: Is there a "shipping charge" added to my order?
A: Yes, we pass along the charge that UPS or the LTL Truck Carrier charges us. These shipping charges are determined by a combination of the exact weight of the order and the size dimensions of the order.
Q: When can I expect to receive my order?
A: It depends on the distance of your location from our warehouse and on the carrier used. All orders will go UPS ground except for large orders that must ship motor freight.
Q: What types of payment do you accept?
A: MasterCard, Visa and American Express
Q: If I can’t find a stock size can I order a small quantity in a custom size?
A: Yes, but minimums do apply. Also on custom products, the price per piece drops as the quantity increases.
Q: What are your office hours?
A: You can order 24/7. If you need personal assistance, contact us between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM U.S. Eastern Time Zone, Monday thru Friday, except holidays.